How can I use mindfulness in my coaching practice?

Jonathan Passmore


Mindfulness has become a popular concept, with growing evidence about its positive benefits for health and performance both generally (Parsons et al, 2016) and at work(Passmore, 2019). At its heart, mindfulness involves a state of non-judgemental presence that can enhance any relationship.

In coaching, mindfulness can help both the coach and the client. There are four main benefits in coaching. Coaches can benefit from being more present and working non-judgementally with each client, undertaking a mindfulness meditation or body scan before each session. By acting with mindfulness during their coaching sessions they can be more aware of them self, their client and their environment. Thirdly, mindfulness brings the benefit of helping the coach manage the stress of working one-to-one with clients. Finally, clients too can benefit from mindfulness, the coach can enable the client to share details of the concept and encourage clients maybe through a homework activity to introduce the practice to their daily routine and reflect on its impact.

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